Unleash - Bug in frontend api for 25% of our users – Incident details

Bug in frontend api for 25% of our users

Started about 2 years agoLasted 30 minutes


app.unleash-hosted.com [EU region]

Operational from 12:15 PM to 12:45 PM

us.app.unleash-hosted.com [US region]

Operational from 12:15 PM to 12:45 PM

  • Resolved

    This incident has been resolved.

  • Identified

    On 01/03/2023 we rolled out new functionality to allow users to retrieve all toggles from the frontend-api, including those who evaluated to false. This introduced a severe bug that would ignore strategies if a feature was enabled in an environment. This was brought to our attention and identified at 13:15 on 02/03/2023. We then disabled the feature flag and the endpoint starting working as expected.